BPA in Canned Foods
Are you eating BPA with your canned food? Unfortunately, the answer is probably yes!
According to a new report that Ripple released on behalf of six nonprofit organizations, two out of three food cans tested have the toxic chemical, Bisphenol A (BPA) in the linings; including 100% of Campbell’s, 71% of Del Monte, and 50% of General Mills.
Why is this so bad? Because BPA is an endocrine-disrupting chemical that may contribute to breast and prostate cancer, infertility, type-2 diabetes, obesity, asthma and attention deficit disorder. Blech!
Ripple was able to generate over 100 media hits in English and Spanish about this report, including: Time Magazine, CBS National News, Politico, Fortune Magazine, Self Magazine, MarketWatch, Take Part, BBC, Men’s Journal, Health.com, UK Guardian, El Diario, La Opinion, Treehugger, Teen Vogue, Sustainable Brands, Chemical & Engineering News, and much more. Shareable graphics, a short video, and petitions to the target companies were also circulated via social media; and B-Roll was created for TV stations to enhance their coverage.
And….The amazing news is that the pressure we’ve put on companies is working!
Both Campbell’s and Del Monte just announced new timeframes to phase out BPA in food packaging! Coincidence? We think not. Thousands of consumers are continuing to sign petitions urging these companies to replace BPA with safe alternatives – another major concern.
This is all due to the hard work of the report’s co-authors: Breast Cancer Fund; Campaign for Healthier Solutions; Clean Production Action; Ecology Center; Environmental Defence (Canada); and Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families’ Mind the Store campaign.
Check out this clip from CBS This Morning