Aspen Skiing Company Climate Initiatives
Ripple is working with Aspen Skiing Co. to elevate the profile of their incredible sustainability work. In 2012 they invested in $6 million to convert leaking methane (a huge contributor to climate change) from a coal plant into usable electricity, for example. To gain attention for the project’s accomplishments nearly a decade later, Ripple conceptualized, wrote, and released a progress report. The results were astounding. Since this ambitious undertaking started, it has prevented the emission of 250 billion cubic feet of methane annually into the atmosphere, the equivalent of removing over half a million passenger vehicles from the road for a year; produced 3 megawatts of baseload power annually – enough to power all four results, including hotels and restaurants; and generated over $100,000 in revenue per month. The report was covered widely by the press. Bill Weir, Chief Climate Scientist for CNN, tweeted about report; Newsweek ran A Canary in the Coal Mine op-ed by Aspen Ski Co. CEO, Mike Kaplan and Sustainable Brands ran From Coal Mine to Clean Energy: How One Company Can Make a Difference by the company’s CFO, Matt Jones – both of which we ghost-wrote and placed. The report was also featured in this high-profile Washington Post story: A ski company built a power plant fueled by methane. It’s a success, but can it be replicated? plus Environmental Leader, Colorado Public Radio, Aspen Times, Climate Change Business Journal and more.