Frack Attack at Exxon and Chevron
Our client, As You Sow, introduced shareholder resolutions at the annual meetings of ExxonMobil & Chevron asking these companies to come clean on the serious environmental, public health and financial risks of hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’) in natural gas drilling. A remarkable 28% of ExxonMobil shareholders and over 40% of Chevron shareholders voted in favor of the resolutions. (Unlike electoral votes where a majority is needed, shareholder resolutions are non-binding and often even small votes have a big impact.)
Ripple did the media outreach for these resolutions and the story caught fire – it was covered by AP, Reuters, Wall St. Journal, Democracy Now!, Bloomberg, New York Times, Forbes, ABC News, MSN Money, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Smart Money, CNBC, Miami Herald, Politico, Fuel Fix, The Hill, NY Post, and BusinessWeek to name a few. We’re particularly proud of the headline from the Financial Times story, “Oil Industry Losing the Shale PR Battle”. The two largest energy companies are now in the crosshairs to become accountable for this toxic practice.
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