When it comes to auto safety most people think of seatbelts and airbags. But cars also pose hidden hazards that endanger drivers and passengers before even turning on the ignition. Ripple worked with the Ecology Center to release their report, “Toxic at Any Speed: Chemicals in Cars and the Need for Safe Alternatives,” which found high levels of toxic chemicals used to make seat cushions, arm rests, floor coverings and other interior auto parts.
Ripple helped translate this scientific report into layperson language, identified the most newsworthy messages, and helped create b-roll. The campaign generated hundreds of television, radio and newspaper stories across the country. All of the major TV networks including CNN,NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox and Telemundo used our b-roll and ran stories with our exact message: car manufacturers should phase out harmful chemicals and replace them with safer alternatives. In addition, a story about “Toxic at Any Speed” ran on several major auto blogs and in the Detroit Free Press during the Auto Show, where all of the major media outlets and car manufacturing executives were represented.